NWLS Attendee Testimonials
“The Northwest Leadership Seminar has positively impacted my career and family. Each session delivers new and creative solutions to the front lines of management. From my view as a Field Training Officer, I need these practical management lessons in order to effectively train and mentor recruits in today’s law enforcement environment. Energetic speakers have reinvigorated my 20 year career in public service while giving me a greater sense of purpose to my community – to be a leader and serve others through my agency.”
“I have always been impressed with the speaker line up at the NW Leadership seminar. Great opportunity to expose our staff to new ideas right here in our state.”
“Every year we send our Field Training Officers as well as someone from middle or upper management to NWLS. The benefits of our FTOs and front line supervisors receiving this great leadership training along with our command staff have exceeded our expectations.”
“I had heard for years about the innovative leadership content that the Northwest Leadership Seminar is known for. As a first-time attendee in 2012, I was a bit curious to see whether and how the conference would apply to me in my role as a labor attorney for police and fire departments. My feedback is simple: For anyone serious about leadership, this conference is an annual must-attend event, for civilians and uniformed leaders alike. It has certainly become a must-attend event for me. At the Northwest Leadership Seminar, I had the pleasure of meeting countless industry veterans, rising-star entrepreneurs, and vendors, all of whom added tremendous value to the entire conference experience. The executive-level presentations and networking force of the attendees have proven extremely helpful to me in maneuvering the challenges that we all face as leaders in the increasingly political realm of public safety.”